The website was riddled with gremlins and thanks to Tom and the crew hosting the site for nuking the site and starting again. It’s taken two attempts and I’m sure there’s content missing, lets hope she holds up for a while and we’ll get a good run for a while.
The new site has a professional template, fresh CMS install, new database and a plugin that Ty liked that ties in with the theme. It’s designed for team events, eg soccer, so there’s the odd “vs” and “0” here and there. What it does do is provide a nice interface for creating fixtures and events, then when run, the results are entered. The plugin filters older than dates into past fixtures and future ones respectively. So the filter can show “results”, “upcoming events” or both. Works well as results are a little like a sausage factory.
The results are embedded Alley cat HTML files using IFRAMES, which keeps the data sll in tact. There’s heaps to do, and I’m about to jump onto the old database and hunt for rules.
Let the commitee know what you don’t like, let everyone else know what you do like and if you think you’ve got a great idea… I’ll post the webmaster’s job description in another post and you can apply for the job, it doesn’t pay very well!